My Drug Center

Side Effects of Cialis

Wednesday 27 April 2022
4 minute(s) read

Table of Contents

I. What to Know about Cialis

II. Cialis Side Effects

III. Cialis Long-term Side Effects

IV. How to Avoid Cialis Side Effects

V. When to Take Cialis

What to Know about Cialis

Cialis is widely popular for treating erectile dysfunction because it has many benefits. In addition to its flexible dosing and quick onset time, Cialis is approved to treat symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Cialis comes in a convenient tablet that you take orally, either once a day or as needed.

Cialis is also available as a generic version called tadalafil. You can buy your medications through My Drug Center, a Canadian pharmacy that helps you order Cialis online for less. Tadalafil enters your bloodstream and helps improve erections within 30 minutes. But despite its many benefits, Cialis may cause certain side effects. Read on to learn about the common side effects of Cialis and how you can avoid them.

a man white grey hair experiencing a headache

Cialis Side Effects

Most of Cialis’ side effects are mild. Common side effects of tadalafil include headache, heartburn, and skin redness (flushing). Side effects vary from person to person, but Cialis is also known to cause a stuffy nose and pain in the back, arms, and legs. These side effects are more likely to occur if you combine Cialis with a contraindicated drug, otherwise known as a Cialis interaction

When tadalafil is in your system, it is important to monitor how you feel and be aware of any side effect that worsens or does not go away after a few days. Serious side effects, like an allergic reaction or a drop in blood pressure, can be life-threatening. It is important to report the side effects that you experience to your doctor because mild side effects can progress in severity if left untreated.

Other serious side effects of Cialis include trouble hearing, ringing in your ears, or other forms of hearing loss. Some men report dizziness and vision loss, although these side effects are rarer. If you experience an allergic reaction to tadalafil, you will likely get a skin rash that is accompanied by severe itching or swelling.

a hand with a skin rash

Although studies show that the Cialis pill only causes small blood pressure changes in healthy patients, dangerous blood pressure drops can occur if you combine tadalafil with alcohol or take too much at one time. [1]

Cialis Long-term Side Effects

Some men prefer taking Cialis daily so that they are always ready for sexual activity. A possible downside to always having tadalafil in your bloodstream is that you may experience chronic side effects. In a study of over 1,000 participants, long-term treatment of ED with tadalafil resulted in several side effects, including back pain, headache, and nasopharyngitis (inflammation in the nasal cavities). [2]

Since these side effects are generally mild, you may decide that the benefits of Cialis outweigh any uncomfortable side effects. Many men stop experiencing long-term side effects once their body adjusts to the medication. Still, if any side effects become unmanageable, your doctor may adjust your dosage to lower your risk.

How to Avoid Cialis Side Effects

Take your prescription as directed to keep your risk of side effects as low as possible. Avoid taking more than your doctor prescribes because doing so increases the likelihood of adverse effects. As mentioned above, alcohol combined with tadalafil can cause hypotension (low blood pressure). If you cannot avoid alcohol completely, limit your consumption to enhance Cialis’ efficacy.

a man refusing a glass of alcohol

Avoiding drug interactions while on Cialis is another important step toward avoiding side effects. Antiviral drugs, antibiotics, antifungal medicines, and certain high blood pressure medications are known to interact with tadalafil. [3] A contraindicated drug can cause adverse outcomes by causing too much tadalafil to accumulate in the body. When a buildup occurs, you may develop a prolonged erection (priapism). This condition is dangerous because it may cause severe pain and permanent damage to the penile tissues. Ask your doctor if you are unsure whether your medications interact with Cialis.

When to Take Cialis for Best Results

Whether you take brand-name or generic Cialis, you will want to take your daily dosage at the same time each day or your as-needed dosage at least 30 minutes before sexual activity. Giving tadalafil enough time to work will ensure you are not left disappointed when your partner expects you to perform.

Even if you take Cialis exactly as your doctor instructs, side effects may still occur. If you experience chest pain or dizziness during sex, stop right away and get medical assistance. Signs that you may be experiencing a dangerous side effect like a heart attack include light-headedness, sudden vision loss, and pain spreading to your jaw or shoulders. Despite coming with these risks, Cialis is generally well-tolerated and one of the most effective PDE5 inhibitors on the market. Talk to your doctor today for a full list of Cialis’ side effects.

DISCLAIMER: The information in the article is not meant to be used for treatment or diagnosis. It is designed for general awareness and for information purposes only. Always consult a medical professional for your specific healthcare needs.