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What is Emend (Aprepitant)?

Emend is normally a medication that is used with other medications to help prevent nausea and vomiting caused from a cancer treatment known as chemotherapy.  This medication works by blocking the body’s natural substances that causes the vomiting. Normally, this medication is given to you before you start feeling ill. This medication will not help you if the nausea or vomiting has already begun. And you should speak with your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms.

This medication comes in two separate strengths which are 80mg and 125mg. Remember your dose is based on your medical background and your overall response to the treatment. If your doctor or pharmacist has given you some information in the form of a pamphlet, take the time to read up on this drug, and if you have any questions or concerns regarding this medication, please consult your doctor.

This medication is to be taken by mouth, with or without food. Or as directed by your doctor.  Take your dose about 1 hour before the start of chemotherapy. And for the ext 2 days, continue to take your dose, once daily 1 hour before the start of treatment if you getting chemotherapy that day. If so it is best to take your dose in the morning.

The dosage is based on your medical condition, age and response to the treatment. And if there is any information given to you by your doctor, then perhaps it is best to read up on that information as well.


Before taking this medication, it is best to advise your doctor if you are allergic to Aprepitant, or to any other medications or allergies in general. Also it is best to notify your doctor of your medical history. Inform them you have had the following; liver disease.

Side Effects

Some side effects may occur while taking this mediation, they are as follows; Tiredness or hiccups, However, if these symptoms do persist or worsen, it is best to consult with your doctor.

A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.


What happens if I suddenly stop taking this medication?

There may be a relapse in symptoms as well as side effects. You should speak your doctor before stop taking this medication.


 What is the best dosage to take?

The diagnosis with your doctor will be able to determine the best dosage for your treatment. Work with your doctor closely for dosage and dosing schedules.


 What happens if I miss a dose?

You should take the missed dose as soon you realize you have forgotten. If the forgotten dose is closer to your next scheduled dose, take the next schedule dose to avoid overlapping in dose.


 What is the best way to store this medication?

This medication is stored at room temperature, and should be kept away from children and pets. Do not throw away this medication in the wastebasket. If you are uncertain how to dispose of this medication speak with your pharmacist for help in safely disposing of this medication.

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